In his presentation on January 11, 2021 as a delegation to Cochrane’s Town Council on behalf of Dog With A Bone, Ron called on the Town to extricate itself from the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (CMRB), and with that, Dog With A Bone was born!

On Friday, March 24th, the Cochrane Freedom Alliance, an initiative led by Cochrane’s Tex (Lloyd) Leugner, came back to life after a brief hiatus. Dog With A Bone was one of the guest speakers and spoke on “Cochrane’s Road to Agenda 2030”. The thesis of Ron’s presentation that evening was that the Town of Cochrane’s willing participation in the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (CMRB), a centralized regional planning initiative brought in by the previous NDP government, puts Cochrane on a road to Agenda 2030 and the UN’s sustainable development goals. The City of Calgary, a strong adherent of Agenda 2030, with its dominant role and veto position in the CMRB, was described as essentially driving the bus and our Town’s municipal government, both elected and unelected officials, were described as willing and supportive passengers on this journey.

To view the slides from the March 24th presentation, Click Here for Slides. Click here Text for Presentation for accompanying text for the slides.

Ron’s concluding slides identified the kind of action that is needed to rectify the situation. The next municipal general election will be held on October 20, 2025.