In its report, “Public Hearing on How Cochrane Will Grow Sparsely Attended”, on the recent statutory public hearing for the town’s draft Municipal Development Plan (MDP), the Cochrane Eagle decided to frame the sparse attendance as indicating a strong endorsement of the plan by the Cochrane community.

I was the unnamed “lone speaker” and have reported on my presentation to Council on November 25, 2024 in a separate DWAB blog post, “Envision Cochrane 2050 or the UN’s Agenda 2030 in Disguise“.

Turns out that out of all of the residents in Cochrane eligible to vote (20,773 in 2021), disappointingly, only one took exception to the MDP that the town Administration, with the assistance of its planning consultant, has produced.


In its report, “Public Hearing on How Cochrane Will Grow Sparsely Attended”, on the recent statutory public hearing for the town’s draft Municipal Development Plan (MDP), the Cochrane Eagle decided to frame the sparse attendance as indicating a strong endorsement of the plan by the Cochrane community, claiming that it showed that the “Council is on the right track” with respect to the draft MDP (a document prepared by the Town’s Administration with the aid of a planning consultant and not yet approved by the Town Council).

I was the unnamed “lone speaker” and have reported on my presentation to Council on November 25, 2024 in a separate DWAB blog post, “Envision Cochrane 2050 or the UN’s Agenda 2030 in Disguise“.

Such an apologetic, pandering article in regards to the Town office comes as no surprise since, in addition to getting subsidies, hand outs, from the Trudeau government, the Cochrane Eagle  also received financing  from the town for its advertising in the Cochrane Eagle ($45,000 in 2023). Howard May and the Cochrane Eagle are well aware of the expression, ‘don’t bite the hand that feeds you.’

In my presentation, “The Calgary Region’s Road to Agenda 2030” at the September 20, 2024 meeting of the Cochrane Freedom Alliance, an update to a previous presentation, “Presentation: Cochrane’s Road to Agenda 2030“, on March 24, 2023, I drew attention to concerns about the town’s draft Municipal Development Plan, branded as “Envision Cochrane 2050”.

Turns out that out of all of the residents in Cochrane eligible to vote  (20,773 in 2021), disappointingly, only one took exception to the MDP that the town Administration, with the assistance of its planning consultant, has produced. The MDP is one of the town’s most important planning documents, a high-level document sitting near the top in the hierarchy of plans when making decisions about land use in Cochrane.

There recently was some unexpected good news.

During the CMRB’s latest board meeting in Cochrane, Municipal Affairs Minister Ric McIver announced that starting next year, the Alberta government will no longer commit $1 million in annual support for the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (CMRB) and will make membership of the group voluntary.

Not surprisingly, Mayor Genung, who worked closely with Naheed Nenshi, then Calgary mayor Genung and current Alberta NDP leader, to drag Cochrane into the CMRB arrangement, is disappointed by this move. This could well be an important election issue for the upcoming municipal election in October 2025. Will Cochrane elect a Council that chooses to remain a member of the CMRB, a vehicle dragging Cochrane along the road to Agenda 2030, or will Cochrane elect a Council that will extricate our town from this globalist influence?