The official motto for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) is “Maintiens le droit” (French for “Uphold or defend the law”).
On becoming aware of an organization, Mounties For Freedom, created by actively-serving RCMP police officers from across the country and their Open Letter to RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki, I decided to send a letter to the Officer In Charge of Cochrane’s RCMP detachment to try to discern the position of the Cochrane RCMP officers with respect to the Open letter.
Unable to secure an email for Inspector Bruner from the staff at the local detachment, a letter, dated October 27, 2021, and co-signed by 6 other residents of Cochrane, was mailed to Inspector Bruner. That letter is reproduced below:
Dear Inspector Brunner,
As announced by Cochrane Now in May, congratulations on your appointment as the new Officer In Charge (OIC) at the Cochrane detachment.
I recently became aware of an organization, Mounties For Freedom, created by actively serving police officers of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) from across the country, who are “united in the belief that citizens, including federal employees, should not be forced and coerced into taking a medical intervention”.
Mounties For Freedom describe their Mission as being “To serve and protect, we stand united against the forced and coerced medical intervention of Canadians and against the discrimination faced by those who have exercised their right to decide on their bodily autonomy.” They declare that they stand for “the support (of) the millions of Canadians who believe that all forced Covid mandates and Vaccine Passports are crimes against humanity.”
Recently, on October 22, Mounties For Freedom submitted a thoughtful, well-documented Open Letter to RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki, in accord with their Mission statement: A copy of that Open Letter is attached.
They state in the Executive Summary of the Open Letter, “Police officers are expected to preserve the peace, uphold the law, and defend the public interest. We strongly believe that forced and coerced medical treatments undermine all three and, thus, contradict our duties and responsibilities to Canadians.”
At the outset of the Open Letter, Mounties For Freedom take the Stance, “We have united in the belief that people should not be forced or coerced into receiving the current COVID-19 treatments – it should be voluntary. We stand united against the forced and coerced medical intervention of Canadians and against the discrimination faced by those who have exercised their right to bodily autonomy. We believe in democracy, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the Bill of Rights.”
With respect to the Law, the Open Letter points out that “The Canadian National Report on Immunization (1996) stated ‘Immunization is not mandatory in Canada; it cannot be made mandatory because of the Canadian Constitution.”
As citizens of Cochrane, we would like to know where the officers within the Cochrane detachment stand with respect to the Mounties For Freedom’s Open Letter. We would appreciate your sharing the Open Letter with the officers in your detachment. The Open Letter at the time of this letter has 51,974 signatures, not all of which are actively serving RCMP police officers. After a reasonable amount of time, say a week or so, we would very much appreciate hearing back from you as to how many of the officers out of the total number of officers in your detachment would be willing to add their signature to the Open Letter.
Ron Voss, Ph.D.
Diane Voss
Denis Murphy
Deborah Murphy
Barry Blick
Len Danard
Lori Donison
Not having received a reply or even acknowledgement of receipt of my letter after two weeks, on November 15th I tried to reach Inspector Bruner through a general email address for the detachment ( which an office staff member had provided to me when I previously had tried to secure an email for Inspector Bruner. I wrote on that day:
Dear Inspector Brunner,
On October 27th, I sent you a letter by mail, supported by 6 other residents of Cochrane. In that letter, I had asked you to distribute to your officers an Open Letter to RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki that was submitted to Commissioner Lucki on October 22nd by a newly-created organization, Mounties For Freedom.
Mounties For Freedom was created by actively serving RCMP police officers from across the country, who are “united in the belief that citizens, including federal employees, should not be forced and coerced into taking a medical intervention.” They declare that they stand for “the support (of) the millions of Canadians who believe that all forced Covid mandates and Vaccine Passports are crimes against humanity.”
I mentioned in that letter that after a reasonable amount of time, say a week or so, that we would very much appreciate hearing back from you as to how many of the officers out of the total number of officers in your detachment would be willing to add their signature to the Open Letter. Two weeks have passed and we have not as much as received an acknowledgment of receipt of our letter.
We look forward to hearing from you on this matter.
On that same day, I received a terse reply from an unnamed individual who informed me,
Hi Ron, on behalf of Inspector Brunner all members and staff at Cochrane detachment were vaccinated prior to this issue being mandated. Thank you for your concern, our members are not interested in contributing to your open letter.
I replied to that unnamed individual:
Dear Anonymous, If you are going to respond ‘on behalf of Inspector Brunner’, it would be appropriate that you not do so anonymously, but identify who you are.
Secondly, I am not interested in the private medical information of the members and staff at the detachment and see no relevance with respect to the letter that I sent to Inspector Bruner.
Finally, speaking for all the members at the detachment, you declare that they are not interested in “your open letter”. As is clear in my correspondence to Inspector Bruner, the Open Letter is not my open letter, but an Open Letter composed by Mounties for Freedom, an organization that was created by actively-serving RCMP police officers from across the country who stand for “the support (of) the millions of Canadians who believe that all forced Covid mandates and Vaccine Passports are crimes against humanity”.
The next day, November 16, I sent the following email, Attention: Inspector Bruner, to the detachment’s general email address:
Not having received a reply from you with respect to a letter that I mailed to you about two weeks ago, yesterday I tried to follow up with an email.
I received a reply from an unnamed individual, claiming to answer on your behalf, who advised me that “our members are not interested in contributing to your open letter”. I take that to mean that all members, and by members I understand all your officers, are not interested in contributing to or supporting the Mounties For Freedom’s Open Letter addressed to RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki.
For that to be true, I would understand that to mean that you distributed or brought the Open Letter to the attention of all the RCMP officers in your detachment and that each individual officer, in turn, advised you of their position with respect to the Open Letter. Is that correct?
Look forward to hearing from you.
A Week Later
I waited patiently for a reply both from the unnamed individual to identify himself/herself and from Inspector Bruner. Disappointing, no replies were forthcoming after the passage of a week, which I presumed to mean that they have no intention to reply, that is, to simply ignore my queries. Thus, through my email to Inspector Bruner I was unable to confirm that he brought the Open Letter to the attention of his officers and that each of them, in turn, advised him of their position with respect to the Open Letter. If the reply from the unnamed individual who spoke on behalf of the detachment, namely, that “our members are not interested in contributing to your open letter” is correct, then one could conclude that all the RCMP officers in the Cochrane detachment are basically okay with forced Covid vaccine mandates and vaccine passports, being disinterested in Mounties For Freedom’s opposition to such.