This is to notify you of this upcoming event in Calgary.
Maggie Hope Braun is a Canadian civic advocate from Ontario and the founder of the KICLEI Canada initiative, a movement dedicated to promoting localism over globalism by empowering communities to reclaim their autonomy. With a focus on practical environmental stewardship and the defense of Canadian sovereignty, Maggie’s work encourages municipalities to withdraw from global programs like the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI-Canada) and the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program, a program sponsored by ICLEI and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), in favour of of locally driven solutions that respects the needs and values of their communities.
For your information the Town of Cochrane joined the PCP program in 2004.
For more information and to RSVP click here.
Hope to see you there.
Ron Voss