Concerned Cochrane resident Ron Voss made a presentation to Cochrane’s Town Council related to the CMRB as a “delegation” on January 11, 2021, giving arguments for the Town to extricate itself from the CMRB. The presentation occurred within 52:20-59:29 minutes of the video from the meeting. Ron Voss’ basic argument to the Town Council was that the draft growth plan, arising from limited public consultation involving approximately 1,600 people or 0.1 per cent of the population of the region, came across as a blueprint to move toward the sustainable development goals of the globalist United Nations and its Agenda 2030. That came across as no surprise given that the City of Calgary, as an obedient member of ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability) is expected to be “a driving force for delivering on the global sustainable development agenda.” Therefore, his recommendation was that “the Town of Cochrane take steps to exit from the Calgary Metropolitan Regional Board and the influence of a corrupt, dysfunctional United Nations through the influence of the City of Calgary”. 

Copy of slides here CMRB Presentation.