The amount of money that the Kenney government has blown away to either frighten Albertans about this so-called Covid-19 pandemic or to egg them on to get a shot with the experimental ‘vaccines’ must be astronomical. Just think of how that money (our tax dollars and accumulated debt) could have been used to leave Albertans something tangible, such as shoring up our health care facilities. Instead, it has been used for what cannot be described as anything other than propaganda. Hopefully, some day there will be an accounting of how much the Kenney government spent on such marketing to influence and pressure Albertans.
Albertans have been bombarded with one costly marketing campaign after another, in mailouts, on TV, on radio, in print media and on social media.
The marketing campaigns have been rolled out in stages depending upon Alberta Health Service’s desired messaging. Thus, the disgusting “Covid Loves Everyone. Keep Covid Out” campaign rolled out in December 2020 was intended to create fear, to scare the hell out of Albertans, especially those under 40.
The $2 million ad campaign featured an ugly character who its creator dubbed as “Creepy Uncle COVID’, reminiscent of the horror movie character Chucky, who loved spreading the virus at house parties and family gatherings.
In my presentation to Town Council on June 14, I decided to stick to the questionable lockdowns, in part, because of the limited time available to me. A few days ago, I received an infuriating pamphlet, “Get Vaccinated So We Can Get Back to Normal”, in the mail, part of a new advertising campaign called Back to Normal with the message ‘your vaccine is your ticket back to normal life’, pushing Albertans to get the ‘vaccine’ in order to reap Kenney’s promised “best summer ever”. I presume this pamphlet was mailed out to every household in Alberta at considerable cost.

There is much in this pamphlet that is troubling including the encouragement for young people 12 and older to take the vaccine even though their risk is minute and despite the recent evidence of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart). Especially troubling is the statement, inside the pamphlet under the heading, “The Facts”, that “All approved vaccines are researched until proven safe”, which Dr. Roger Hodkinson, the expert witness for my presentation to Cochrane Town Council would call a grotesque lie. In part, this is a lie by omission. When they say the vaccines have been “approved” they omitted telling Albertans that they only been approved for emergency use authorization, that is, for experimental use. On another page they declare, in bold red capital letters,
In this recent interview with the RAIR Foundation Dr. Hodkinson spoke of many things related to Covid-19, but said the following with respect to the ‘vaccines’ and their safety:
“It (the mRNA vaccines) happen to be brand new technology which has never been tried on humans before and was introduced in great haste without any need. There was never an emergency as they’re claiming, and that is the predicate for the entire madness that then rolled out. Because the predicate for the emergency use of a vaccine is all determined by the fact that this is a healthcare emergency, a public health emergency, which it is not by any stretch of the imagination.
The word ‘safe’ is another word that has been massively abused. By any definition, this vaccine is unsafe, strictly experimental and should never have been used on anyone because there was no emergency for its administration. That word, four letters, one word, it’s on billboards, it’s on every form of communication you can think of – the talking heads of the mainstream media. For our Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons saying that it is safe, medical officers of health across the country and elsewhere saying this is safe, that is the most grotesque form of malpractice to tell the general public that something is safe when it’s categorically not in the usual sense of the word medically and also the lay public.”
Dr. Ryan Cole is a highly qualified pathologist. In this interview he explains the nature of the virus related to Covid-19 and all you need to know about the mRNA vaccines.
He confirms what Dr. Hodkinson had to say as to the mRNA treatment being experimental: “It’s been researched for several decades. Tinkered with it in the laboratory setting, in the animal models, mouse models and what not. This is the first time that it has ever been broadly used on humankind…Why we are willy-nilly trudging forward from this, I can only think that there is a giant financial motive behind it because the science isn’t solid yet in terms of long-term data safety, long-term population safety. We have performed the largest experiment on humankind ever. We have the largest number of biological deaths from any biological drug, medicine, vaccine ever seen and we’re still pushing forward, saying oh it’s okay.”
Besides addressing the mRNA safety issue found in the AHS pamphlet, which declared that “All vaccines are researched until proven safe”, in his interview Dr. Cole also provides a medically-sound, data-based response to several of the other highly questionable statements found in the AHS pamphlet, such as, “every Albertan who can get vaccinated should get vaccinated”, “Albertans 12 or older including those who have recovered from COVI-19…should get vaccinated”, “even the young and healthy should get vaccinated”, “if you have had COVID-19, you should get vaccinated”.
He wisely concludes, “Don’t go to the government for help because their guidelines are very financially driven by big pharmaceutical interests, and the best interest of the patient isn’t there”.
If anyone doubts what Dr. Hodkinson or Dr. Cole have to say about the ‘vaccines’ being experimental, they can read it for themselves from the horse’s mouth at Pfizer’s web site.
Under a heading “The Facts About the Pfizer-Biontech Covid-19 Vaccine”, Pfizer explains:
“The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine has not been approved or licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but has been authorized for emergency use by FDA under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) for use in individuals 12 years of age and older. The emergency use of this product is only authorized for the duration of the declaration that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of emergency use of the medical product under Section 564(b)(1) of the FD&C Act unless the declaration is terminated or authorization revoked sooner.”
All the lies and pressures for the public to take the vaccines, including inducement to win a $ million lottery, would run afoul the Nuremburg Code, which in the first principle to prevent against human medical experimentation declares:
“The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion (such as inducements to take the shot as a condition to have the restrictions removed so as to ‘enjoy the best summer ever’); and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved (such as it being an experimental treatment through emergency use authorization) as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened (that is, informed) decision.”